Friday, September 6, 2019

The Weight of First Harvest

Yesterday I went up to Ogden (which hosts one of the most substantial pawpaw patches in Utah), so I missed a few things in my hometown, including the plummeting to earth of the first pawpaw of our 2019 pawpaw harvest. It plummeted from the Shenandoah, and NJ found it and marked it by cultivar and date. It's not ready to eat yet, but it's soft enough that it's sure to ripen,
unlike the many windfalls and early-cast fruit we had during the spring and summer.

You'll recognize that in this pic (above) I've placed the first fruit upon the as-yet blank pages of the 2019 pawpaw harvesting charts. In reporting harvest results of the past, we've listed the numbers and the dates for each individual fruit. That has started to not seem compulsively obsessive enough, so this year we bought a food scale specifically for the 2019 pawpaw harvest. Now we can also report on the weight of each pawpaw that falls. 


The placing of the pawpaw.

The weighing.

The recording.


  1. Hey there! I'm a big fan of paw paws and a Utah local as well. Is there any way I could buy a few from you once they're ready? I couldn't find an email for you so hoping this works. 😊 Thanks!

  2. Hi Jackie, good to meet another Utah pawpaw fan. Feel free to contact me at
