Over the past two days, we've been having some pawpaws fall that are as big as "heck" (to draw on a term that former President Obama used during a recent and welcome speech). The biggest are tumbling from the KSU-Atwood. Yesterday we drove up to the house after going and getting some burgers, and we found these two monsters in the grass. S got a hold of them and started posing.
Then NJ took them from S and wanted to start posing too. |
We've got several POH (pawpaws on hand) right now, all labeled so we know what we're getting when we cut them open (labeled or not, I always know what we're getting after we cut them open, since it's easy to tell the different cultivars apart on the inside). These three pics are of the POH but also snapshots of where we're at in terms of how many fruits from which tree. (A little outdated now, though, since I just went outside at 10:15 pm and found two more big Shenandoah pawpaws on the ground). |
This is kind of extra-curricular for me to be mentioning on Expatriate Pawpaw, but last week NJ and I drove about 45 minutes to our "little sister" town up north and saw the Smashing Pumpkins on their reunion tour. You can see Billy Corgan and James Iha up in front and then Jimmy Chamberlin is behind the drums. Still missing (literally, I'm missing) D'Arcy Wretzky on bass. (There's a pawpaw-related tie-in, don't worry.) |
One of the fun things about the show was that we had pretty decent seats for seeing the band members on stage, and then behind Billy and the band, they had a lot of big baroque projections on the screens. At one point, it looked like (as you'll see on the left) the steampunk projection of Billy had three big pawpaws growing up from behind his head. |
But I zoomed in and it was just five cobras. Heck. |