Thursday, March 31, 2016

Pawpaws in the Spring

In the spring...

...we don't understand why our kids still want to play inside, unless it's their strong affection for over-sized kiddie Legos.

But the weather's warm, we say, and we live at the base of a beautiful mountain. Go on outside and play--leave those kiddie Legos for next January.

And out in the yard the pawpaws are about to flower.


Leave those kiddie Legos for another day.

We try to tell the kiddies that the way the spring sunshine bathes the earth is delightful--it casts all kinds of great shadows, multiplying by two the enjoyment you can find in the crescent arms of nature.

They prefer the clown fish at the indoor recreation center.

But look, look, we say.




(Still planning on writing a second installment of my review of Andy Moore's book--I've just been distracted by some other things. If you haven't had a chance to look at the first installment, you can check it out here.)

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